Thursday, December 23, 2010


How ambitious are you?

How ambitious are you in your walk, your relationships and your profession?

I am taking this holiday break to really think on that thought... I think the way God has wired me that regardless of the area of life I am never satisfied with just existing... being and floating. There is a saying the boy friend of a friend on mine says that I feel at core. "Mani, I don't want to just be an exisiter. Other people can just exist. We have got to live."

Gosh I feel that... and I feel the truth of that statement in multiple areas of my life. Recently I have been taking stock of my world. The two areas that I have been looking at is Faith and Work (yes I know that work is a part of faith but hear me out). I am looking at where do I want to be in my walk (which is not where I am currently at) and where do I see myself professionally (which is slowing moving where I want). I am looking at life and counting the cost... but am I really. Even if I didn't count the cost I would have no choice but to move forward, sorry that's just the way He has made me. So I guess the more honest statement would be this "I am looking at what I need to do personally to keep moving..."

These thoughts are making me examine where I go to church, where I am living, who is my community. These thoughts are making me examine who am I aligning myself with professionally, where should I put my energy in my firm, what type of clients do I take. And the one area that effects both my walk and my profession is this "Who am I aligning myself with romantically? Does this man push me and support me in my walk AND push me and support me in my profession?"

I am glad to be thinking again...