So First Kings… what is the background you need to know? Well, the chapter opens up with a the changing of a guard. So let me give you some background to help you understand what is going on.
Fun facts (and slightly juicy) to keep in the forefront of your mind as we study.
History of the Kingdom:
The Children of Israel were relatively young in regards to having a king. The chapter opens up with King David who was Israel’s 2nd King being ill and needing help. (We will examine this more in detail later on) Previous to David and Saul, Israel was guided by prophets who God spoke to. Israel did not necessarily have a central human leadership rather God spoke to them(through the prophets) and they acted. However as time went on they did not want to be lead by a religious leader they wanted a king they could see and touch to lead them. They wanted to be as the other nations.(1) God answered their demand but He also warned them what a King would bring.(2) Keep this warning in mind as you read through I Kings. Saul was their first king and from all appearances he seemed to be a good king. He was handsome and strong… but he had one flaw he did not love God with all his heart… and like we so easily can, he fell in love with power and the rest of his reign is a picture of what a life that grasps at staying in power can look like.
David was Israel’s next King. He was not perfect as evidenced in the fact that he killed a loyal servant to hide the affair he was having with that servant’s wife.(3) (not awesome) Yet something in his heart was still turned towards God.(4) It is his heart that we will examine first so that we can understand what God means when He says the different kings in I Kings either had a heart for God like David or not like David’s heart.
David’s Heart
The Book of Psalms was written mainly by David. We are going to take some time to look at various sections of the Psalms to get insight into David’s relationship with God.
Psalm 63, Psalm 62:5-8, Psalm 55: 1-8, 16-18, 22-23
What do you observe about David’s heart in these passages?
Who did he turn to for salvation?
What did he want from God?
Who did He know God to be?
What about his heart did God love?
Did any of this resonate in you?
(1) I Samuel 8:4-9
(2) I Samuel 8:10-18. The important things to remember from this section is that the Israelities were warned that a king will take their sons for war, he will take from them their best, and the people will become his servant.
(3) II Samuel 11:1-27
(4) Acts 13:22
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